Three Rivers State Park, FL

1/22/2023 to 1/29/2023


This is your donkey morning wake-up call.

Big Mike’s RV Park was an experience in and of itself! Every morning we woke up to donkeys waiting for morning pets by our door. They are free to roam the property and do a really good job of keeping the coyotes away from the rest of the farm animals, which included: chickens, goats, horses, dogs, guinea fowl, ducks, geese, and a stocked fish pond. You are free to walk around the entire farm and feed the animals carrots, celery, or whatever else you have. Apparently, one of the elderly horses’ favorite food was twisted Fritos. They were all really friendly, but we had to keep an eye on Raina with the coyote-stomping donkeys.


Some good news, I had an interview this week! It was for a full-time remote position creating a weekly Quaker podcast! I know what you are thinking, and no it isn’t this Quaker. I did some research into what a Quaker even is as I had no idea and it really jives with a lot of my own personal ideas. I think I may be too aggressive to be a full Quaker, but I really love the concept that everyone is equal and they don’t really have a church hierarchy. They worship in silence and anyone who is moved to speak, can. So there is no preacher or priest doing daily lessons, it is more about a personal journey, and I really dig that. Please keep your fingers crossed for me! This would be an amazing opportunity (monetarily and creatively!) and I would love to be a part of this project.

Georgia Aquarium

Dakota has an old college buddy who lives in Atlanta and works for the Georgia Aquarium! Michael was amazing! He showed us around the INCREDIBLE aquarium, and we got to go behind the scenes and watch a hammerhead shark feeding! Michael works with the sharks and he was so knowledgeable and happy to see Dakota. His girlfriend Miranda also works there and was able to come say hi for a few.

The aquarium is insane. They have a large enough tank to keep TWO whale sharks and multiple manta rays! It was literally like an amusement park, with the amazing immersive design of all the exhibits, and the variety they were able to pack in. I highly recommend visiting if you are ever in the area, and expect to spend a good amount of time there. My favorite thing about the aquarium has to be the Sea Dragons. I had never seen them before and apparently, they are notoriously difficult to keep in captivity. They were absolutely captivating. Stunning, beautiful little creatures.

Aside from our venture into Atlanta, we kept things pretty lowkey this week. Besides, there was plenty of adventure to be had every time we opened our door with all the horses and donkeys.